Thursday, November 29, 2012

Warm heads

My Uncle Ry is deploying to Afghanistan in a few weeks, and I wanted to make him something before he leaves. Preferably something heartfelt but also useful, as opposed to, say, a knitted coat hanger. I found a helmet liner pattern and cast it on Monday night. I got the six inches of the neck done and was all ready to take it to my knitting class to have help with the face opening when my friendly neighborhood whirling dervish  decided to attack and stitches were irreparably damaged. Now I must redo the 6 six inches of neck tonight seeing as class is tomorrow morning. Plus I have all my other homework which I have very uncharacteristically put off until tonight (HA).  I have this dream that the whole thing will be finished by the time we visit him, which is 2 days away. And then maybe it will go so well I can make a bunch of them and send them to other soldiers. We'll seeeeeeeeeeee.

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